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C.L. Gordon

I strive to write about the fantastical and the absurd.

On Writing

On Writing - Stephen King Stephen King’s book On Writing isn’t exactly a how-to-write instruction manual, though you will take away a couple of tips here and there. Mr. King believes that writers can’t be made, they have to be born, so why try to write a how-to on writing? Well, the thing is that the amount of born writers trumps the number of those born without the talent, he suspects. And the ones born with the talent must constantly work on honing those skills—the book basically works on providing motivation to hone those skills. Whether you believe in this theory or not, On Writing will definitely provide inspiration to get to work on that novel or short story. King draws upon experiences from his own life to narrate his emergence as a writer, even devoting a chapter to his brush with death when a car hit him during an afternoon walk. It’s a good causal read that deals with writing on a more personal level.